Arduin country map 2024

The new 2024 Country of Arduin map will be a stretch goal on Kickstarter for our July 1, 2024 campaign. The 2024 Arduin map is a stretch goal and as such will be given free to those that supoprt the campaign if it reaches its stretch goal threshhold. It will ship fairly quickly after the Kickstarter ends. It is sized approxiamtely 30.5 x 39.5 inches. In addition the map will be printed on a "white parchment" style paper to give it that old world feel and look of a nice piece of art.
We are hard at work on a fully backwards compatible Arduin Index book so you a look places up in multiple ways. The project is going to be laid out soon, it will have minimal art. Its only purpose is to guide and find places in Arduin that are on the maps; this constitutes over 1300 names so you can locate the place fast.

We are exploring the viability to bring it to the Kickstarter on July 1, 2024 and will you posted as we know more. Almost never be lost again in Arduin, unless of course you want to be or it just happens!